The Project

The First World War in the Balkans. The Romanian Campaign 1916/17 – Cultural Transfer and Dominance in Military Coalitions

The project’s undertaking, designed as a German-Bulgarian cooperative endeavor, investigated the reality, interpretation, and meaning of the 1916/17 campaign of German, Austrian-Hungarian, Bulgarian and Turkish troops against Romania. During this campaign, cultural particularities were carved out that were to become operative in the 20th century. Using the example of the externally harmonious military coalition, whose partners were bound to different military cultures and who interpreted, remembered and instrumentalized events differently, it is clear how the perception of the ‘Other’ as well as forms of cultural dominance, subordination, and transfer were analyzed differently. Rather than the event itself, the collective appropriation and cultural meaning of this campaign constitute the focus of research.


Der Erste Weltkrieg auf dem Balkan – Forschungsansätze und Perspektiven (21.05.2007-24.05.2007, Varna).
Der Erste Weltkrieg auf dem Balkan. Neue Fragestellungen und Perspektiven (12. bis 14. Oktober 2009, Wien).


Gundula Gahlen (Hrsg.), Feldpost 1916/17. Die Briefe und Tagebücher des Oberleutnants August Dänzer aus Siebenbürgen und Rumänien (2012).
Der Erste Weltkrieg auf dem Balkan. Perspektiven der Forschung, ed. by Jürgen Angelow with the cooperation of Gundula Gahlen, Oliver Stein, Berlin 2011.
The Central Powers’Romanian Campaign 1916/17. Coalition war, experience, perception and commemoration from German and Bulgarian perspectives (2016), an Archival Research Guide within CENDARI.

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